Labels:bulletin board | earth | fence | grass | person | reckoner | sky OCR: aladsfghijklmnopq rstuwxy JBCDEIG HIJKLMNOPQ-R BhXMNNES 0123456780 5% =,<.[]{} ":/? The qutck Lrewn fumas averthe Lazu dee The quick Grewn fex jumpes OUEr the Lazy deg. The quick Lrown fox jumps oUer the lazy dog. quick brown fox jumps oUEr the Lazy dog. The quick brown Y jum hs oUEr the Lazy dog. The quick brown jum OUEr the Lazy Goy The quick brown ium 2s oUEr the Lazy rtuxyz SIUVWXYI OUET over uick DUET jumks